Aims & Objectives

To promote the advancement of Power Engineering and allied subjects & their applications and to provide facilities for the exchange of information and ideas on those subjects amongst the members of The Society and for that purpose:

  1. To hold meetings for periodical lectures by distinguished persons in engineering, Science, Industry, Medicine, Art etc.
  2. To hold meetings for the reading and discussion of communications or papers.
  3. To arrange Workshop, Seminars to update the knowledge of the Society Members.
  4. To provide platform to manufacturers for technical presentation of their products.
  5. To promote the research work and reward the same.
  6. To print, publish, lend or distribute the priced proceedings, reports of the society, technical papers, communications, works or treatise on power engineering, power / energy management or its applications on allied subjects.
  7. To form a library of books, pamphlets, works or manuscripts relating to power engineering or its applications on allied subjects.
  8. To encourage the operation of facilities to promote research and invention in power engineering or in its application including environment pollution and energy conservation.
  9. To promote cause of power engineers / power managers by all constitutional means.
  10. To promote and carryout energy conservation, energy audits, efficiency optimization studies and may charge suitable fees for this purpose.
  11. To provide consultancy.
  12. To foster such activity as would be conducive to the fulfillment of above objectives.
  13. To arrange study tours for members.
  14. To provide guidance to engineering students.
  15. To distribute priced publications of CBI & P, New Delhi.
  16. To acquire, own, use and dispose of any property by all lawful methods and to raise, hold and disburse funds in the interest of the above purposes.
  17. To render helping hand to utilities in crisis or disaster like earth quake, Flood, Cyclone etc.